516 593 9760 gary@rabenko.com

Learn How to See

Prices vary from free, to hourly, group, or package rates.  If not listed please inquire.

Training is available in NYC and in Long Island.    Requirement:  Interest, an open mind, desire.


This is not taught in most photography classes.   You may know how to use your camera.  You may have gotten instruction on print making or even Photoshop editing.   You might even have gone on photo field trips or risen early, or stayed out late to watch nature.   That does not mean you know how to see!   In fact with all of today’s whiz bang technology, fewer pros ever consider what is most important!   

My one on one instruction – a two hour session involves learning how to see you will look at everything differently and see so much more.   It starts out inside and weather permitting goes outside.  You do not need a camera for this. But if you wish you may bring anything from a quality cell phone camera to something photographers use.

Learn why you see what you see and how to see more!

One on one training session with Gary Rabenko                 $450


Learning to See

Prices vary from free, to hourly, group, or package rates.  If not listed please inquire.  Training is available in NYC and in Long Island.    Requirement:  Interest, an open mind, desire.


This is not taught in most photography classes.   You may know how to use your camera.  You may have gotten instruction on print making or even Photoshop editing.   You might even have gone on photo field trips or risen early, or stayed out late to watch nature.   That does not mean you know how to see!   In fact with all of today’s whiz bang technology, fewer pros ever consider what is most important!   

My one on one instruction – a two hour session involves learning how to see you will look at everything differently and see so much more.   It starts out inside and weather permitting goes outside.  You do not need a camera for this. But if you wish you may bring anything from a quality cell phone camera to something photographers use.

Learn why you see what you see and how to see more!

One on one training session with Gary Rabenko                 $450



Event Photography and Videography:  Behavior, attitude, personality, powers of observation, prioritization, conduct, technical awareness, environmental awareness, being prepared and anticipating things, interpreting what you are told, planning, crew interaction, best gear choices for each situation, talking out the job,  what is important.

Sign up if you are interested in learning from a long time pro, who also just happens to be one of the very first 100% digital photographers in the wedding industry ( since 2001 ! ).  Digital is just a tool set.  Photographer today rarely have strong skills from prior decades of perfection, nor serious skill in an age where little is required to just produce an image.   Most significantly, many are unaware of basic concepts and values.

This is for existing and recent photographers who figure there is more to learn, but don’t know where to get this training.



Meaningful videography involves constant multitasking.   It requires continued awareness to multiple persons, places, things and conditions that are constantly changing.   I notice that very event videographers actually attempt to deal with much that really is essential.  It has been said that photography is a way of seeing.  Video is many images per second with sound.    There are ways to shoot video to enhance the viewing experience.   Today most video is either very bland, very extreme, or ultimately quite meaningless.   Video can be so much better and it all starts with the videographer.

Video associations always emphasize the latest gear. They give workshops and have meetings to discuss gear.  Trends and gimmicks are also hot topics.  That is why everyone tends to do the same thing.  Video can be more interesting for everyone. It can be more challenging to videographers who may find their work boring, or are stuck in a rut of doing the same thing as everyone else.

I love what video can be.  I love video that is watchable, not for its special effects, or today’s rapid fire short scenes, but for the insight into character and personality that video can offer.  This takes persons who can think outside the box.  This takes persons who are either new, or experienced who can step back from old, easy, common, and typical practices to think about things differently.

I am interested in training select videographers who are interested in embracing a different approach.



What does the word edit mean to you?   What various kinds of editing are there?  Technology makes everything easy.  Now is the time to make it good!   Standards in editing.  Editing for substance.   I am available for one on one sessions that can elevate and improve your editing.   A three hour session, involves analysis of one or more sections of an event that you have edited and my direction in making it better. This training might require developing more advanced shooting skill.  Knowing what we are shooting for, and how to edit that footage for a great viewing experience is putting it all together.

As a photographer, videographer and video editor, my perspective will bring powerful insight to how to make your product better.

I recommend a five session class that first evaluates a recent shoot and existing edit of yours.   Then discusses ways of change.   Involves planning a better shoot.   Reviews that shoot to plan the edit, and finally reviews your new edit.

Five three hour sessions $1500      A properly equipped computer is required for editing related sessions – my systems could be available, but it makes sense to have your project and all media loaded and ready so bringing your high speed notebook or laptop works best.