516 593 9760 gary@rabenko.com

Prices vary from free, to hourly, group, or package rates.  If not listed please inquire.

Training is available in NYC and in Long Island.    Requirement:  Interest, an open mind, desire.


This is not taught in most photography classes.   You may know how to use your camera.  You may have gotten instruction on print making or even Photoshop editing.   You might even have gone on photo field trips or risen early, or stayed out late to watch nature.   That does not mean you know how to see!   In fact with all of today’s whiz bang technology, fewer pros ever consider what is most important!   

My one on one instruction – a two hour session involves learning how to see you will look at everything differently and see so much more.   It starts out inside and weather permitting goes outside.  You do not need a camera for this. But if you wish you may bring anything from a quality cell phone camera to something photographers use.

Learn why you see what you see and how to see more!

One on one training session with Gary Rabenko                 $450