Religion has played a major role in world history. It will play a role in each of our lives, either because of us, or because of others. There are many sites that claim to be a portal for planning a Bar, Bat , or Bnai Mitzvah. But they will turn off those to whom the mitzvah is more important than the bar! I love passion. And Jewish history is certainly something to be passionate about. But it is not something that most 12 and 13 year old’s can be passionate about. That is why most bar and bat mizvah albums show cliched, or superficial photographs. For decades, my work has been featured on the cover of various tri state bar and bar mitzvah guides. Regardless of your affiliation, if you want images that speak to the viewer… if you want images that will make the Grand Parents proud. If you want imagery that can be shown to future generations of Jewish children with meaning, when it is time for them to become a Bat or Ben Torah, then you want imagery that is inspired. This has been a specialty of mine and I hope you will give me the opportunity to be inspired by your family and to create an heirloom of a Mitzvah album that does justice to the event, its participants and the craft of photography.
In this part of my blog I hope to share meaningful stories, suggestions, and advice for getting photography and video that means most to you of your simcha; the Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah or B’nai Mitzvah that you are planning.